
Hi, I’m Cobi!

Welcome to my blog. I share all about my adventures in the kitchen, party planning, and more.

I hope you have a nice stay!

Welcome to my Kitchen!

Welcome to my Kitchen!


First and foremost, I’m a mother of three! Now let me tell you why that’s funny…

My husband and I were never going to have children. Entertaining, cooking, and travel were our passions. 8 years of marriage and seven continents later, we found ourselves standing on top of a glacier in Antarctica! As we were popping open our bottle of champagne we looked at each other and said, “what’s next?” Believe it or not it was Husband who said, “how about kids?” After I got over the initial shock, I said “I am in!”

At the time, I was working at Xerox as a major Account Executive. After our first son was born we knew I MUST stay home with him. I just couldn’t envision anything else. My Dad teased that our kids were not going to know what hit them! I was just going to take all of the energy and drive I had for my career and put it into being the CEO of my boys. And that’s exactly what I did! I immersed myself into tons of books about parenting. I remember when I was interviewing OB’s, one doctor said to me, “I bet your baby books are highlighted!” I was so excited I said “YES! How did you know?” It wasn’t until years later I realized that was not a compliment but rather a response to my Type A personality! Being a mom has been by far the most rewarding job I have ever had. We are very blessed to have our three boys.

My love of cooking started early. I grew up in a house of cooks and from a very young age I was encouraged to cook and try new things. Every month I couldn't wait for our Bon Appetit magazine to arrive. It used to have a section about a dinner party that included everything from appetizer, through dessert. Each month my mom and I would recreate the whole menu and have our own dinner party. Then when I moved into my own place the first magazine subscription I got was, of course, Bon Appetit. The minute it arrived I would call my mom and we would sit on the phone going page-by-page through the entire issue discussing the recipes as if I were still at home. That is how I cultivated my curiosity and love of food. From those early days I learned to never be afraid to try something new. I am the kind of cook that likes to try out a few new recipes each week. I will even test drive a new recipe for a small dinner party. Why not? If it doesn't work out we can always order a pizza and all have a good laugh and a funny story to tell at the next dinner party! When reading recipes I look for ingredients I love and recipes that excite me and just go with it from there! 

I’m an avid entertainer and party planner! I can talk about party planning and recipes all day long. (And I do!) I am happiest in the kitchen preparing fabulous meals for my family and friends. 

Now my boys are mostly grown, two are in college and one is in the midst of high school life. I’m finding myself with a lot more time on my hands. 

I have had so many friends tell me I should have an entertaining/cooking blog and at this point in my life I thought, “why not!” 

I’m not a trained Chef, but I am definitely an above-average home cook!  So here I am, sharing my favorite recipes, tips, and love of life with you! 

I hope you have as much fun reading this as I am having doing it! 

All my Love,


Frozen Aperol Granita Spritz

Frozen Aperol Granita Spritz

My Antique Silver Trays... Not from Paris!

My Antique Silver Trays... Not from Paris!